Saturday, June 21, 2014

Historic Oregon Newspapers Access - University of Oregon Access

As has been discussed in other entries and in the genealogy class if you've taken it, newspapers are an invaluable resource to the genealogist in their search for family roots.  Since there was no facebook or internet, both the mundane and sensational ended up in the newspapers way-back-when that can give clues to greater searches.  Finding the sources for the newspapers is another matter entirely.

As I was walking through the Beaverton Library, I saw an advertisement for yet another link for Oregon Historical newspapers.

This is provided through the University of Oregon - the other site that is particularly useful is through the Multnomah County Library, reported to be the most comprehensive search and database resource this side of the Mississippi. However, as Multnomah County's resources require a library card which you may not have obtained yet (available to anyone regardless of residence) this link above could be another great place to start.  At any rate, here you go, have a look for free!