Sunday, December 23, 2012

Genealogy from Africa!

Some lines are going to be easier to research than others, most notably those of royalty and in America notably that of government officials, land-owners, military or historical figures and going from there back to royalty.

Tuskegee Airmen - some of the most heroic pilots of WWII
Trust me, everyone's related to royalty and nobility at some point.  GREAT!  I wouldn't think that you're in line to become the king of the Isle of Mann anytime soon because that one got taken in 2007 by an American.  But we're also related to some not-as-historic individuals who were faithful and good people loved of heaven and who await this work to be done for them.  In fact, we're related to more of them than we are royalty.  And unfortunately the strange winds of circumstance and fortune make some records harder to find than others such as the records of African ancestors.

What does this mean?  Well it means that some aspects of the work are going to be more difficult and you'll rely on oral traditions and stories in many instances more than others.  But it also means you're going to be having a lot of success and that your work is less likely to have been done already and you have the potential to be one of the greatest blessings on earth to them through the veil as you do this work. Proceed with prayer!

If in doing your work you branch back over to the African continent, remember most of Africa was colonized by European powers at various points, most notably the British and French.  Large parts of Africa still speak English and French among other European languages. There is the possibility of tapping into family lines that have documentation in countries that were colonized and who kept records under the administrative rules of their respective empires.

For more tips and resources on doing work among African lines in America, check New Family Search, Cyndi's List,

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