Sunday, January 06, 2013


Ever wanted to take a family tree from one place and put it in another place on another program or computer? 

Like, you've got a family tree and wish to share it with Ancestry and don't want to hand type the entire thing.

Or you've got a family tree and want to load it up into Family Search Family Tree.

Or say you've got a tree on Ancestry but want to put it into your own personal software.

Not to worry!  Have no fear!

All of this can be done no sweat using a file designed for this purpose called a GEDCOM.

Most genealogy software will create  a GEDCOM File which is a basic file that can be created by most genealogy software programs and uploaded by another genealogy software program.

Shout out to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the GEDCOM file is an LDS innovation that is now widely used by genealogists worldwide for transferring genealogical information.

So, for example if you have been using PAF (that's what I used to use) but want to upgrade to Legacy or Rootsmagic since support for PAF has ended.

You have PAF create a GEDCOM file, then import the GEDCOM file into your genealogical software and - voila presto!  You now have your other family tree uploaded into a new program!  (Tadaaaa!). 

You will have to look up the instructions on each program how to create / upload the file but nearly all genealogy software programs can do it.

Say you wish to upload your entire GEDCOM file into Family Tree for ordinance submissions.  That can be done following these  instructions right here.

Either way, the GEDCOM file is a staple of genealogy in the computer age and most all genealogy software programs can create them or read them and use them. But knowing what they are is yet another tool in your tool-belt as a genealogist.

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